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Odkrycie Anunnaki i plan ucieczki.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 18-06-24

Odkrycie Anunnaki i plan ucieczki. Starożytna, nieznana supercywilizacja przetrwała 930 lat . Była to zaawansowana technologicznie, wysoko rozwinięta w obróbce komputerowej, inżynierii, lotnictwie, rzemiośle budowlanym z rozwiniętą filozofią. To było…

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Foods that can reduce the risk of a stroke

  • : Data Publikacji.: 18-06-24

Foods that can reduce the risk of a stroke A stroke is a disorder in the functioning of the brain that is caused by vascular changes. A stroke occurs when there are general or localized disturbances in its activities, manifested, among others, by…

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The Temple of the Sun at Machu Picchu.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 18-06-24

The Temple of the Sun at Machu Picchu. The Temple of the Sun is a fence built on top of a natural cave. Due to its high position and beautiful sculpture, it is considered a religious building that honors the sun. It is the only structure in the Inca city…

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There were three mysterious schools in Egypt.

  • : Data Publikacji.: 18-06-24

There were three mysterious schools in Egypt. The men's school was the Right Eye of Horus. The girls' school was the Left Eye of Horus. The third school was the child, the Middle or Third Eye of Horus, or life. The mural shows the right, left and middle…

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