0 : Odsłon:
Odnaleziona zaginiona, sensacyjna umowa Nr 5518 z 1960r. Dotyczy ustawy Senatu USA S.447.
Umowa dotycząca roszczeń obywateli amerykańskich w stosunku do Polski, podpisana 16 lipca 1960 roku i zarejestrowana w ONZ w Seria Traktatów w 1961 dzień rejestracji 6 stycznia 1961 roku.
Rząd Polskiej Republiki Ludowej pragnący załatwić roszczenia Amerykańskich obywateli wobec Polski Ludowej i pragnąc polepszyć warunki gospodarczej współpracy handlowej miedzy Polską a USA, podpisuje tą umowę.
Chodzi o mienie żydowskie obecnie amerykańskich obywateli żydowskiego pochodzenia.
w punkcie pierwszym tej umowy Rząd Polski zobowiązuje się zapłacić Rządowi USA 40.000.000 dolarów w walucie USA , w ramach zaspokojenia wszystkich roszczeń osób fizycznych lub prawnych wobec Rządu Polskiego. Z powodu nacjonalizacji oraz innego przejęcia majątków, praw i udziałów, w tym majątków, które miały miejsce przed lub w dniu wejścia w życie niniejszej umowy.
w punkcie b: wypłata kwoty 40.000.000 dolarów zostanie wypłacona sekretarzowi stanu USA w ratach 2.000.000 rocznie do dnia 10 stycznia następnego roku.
Przez 20 lat czyli do roku 1981.
Tym samym, tłumacząc wynik tej umowy, Rząd USA przejął schedę po wszystkich prywatnych lub firmowych roszczeniach obywateli lub firm amerykańskich w stosunku do Polski. Czyli jeśli jakiś amerykański żyd wystąpi z roszczeniami wobec na przykład utraconej nieruchomości w Polsce, to Polski rząd powinien spakować jego roszczenie i wysłać do USA, które przejęło efekty i konsekwencje takiego roszczenia, zgodnie z niniejszą umową. USA powinna sama rozpatrywać takie roszczenia i załatwiać je swoimi pieniędzmi, bo otrzymała na to 40 milionów dolarów od Polski. USA przejęło w ten sposób roszczenia.
W celu ochrony Polski wobec roszczeń państw trzecich co do tych roszczeń, rząd USA przekaże kopie umów i pozwów tych państw lub osób trzecich, gdyby takie były.
ONZ zarejestrowała pod numerem 174 ta umowę jako traktat.
W ciągu 30 dniu od czasu wejścia w życie niniejszej umowy Rząd USA zwolni kontrolę blokującą nad majątkami polskich obywateli w USA, nad całym polskim majątkiem.
Znaczy to, że elementem przymuszenia wtedy Polski do podpisania tejże umowy była blokada USA polskiego majątku!
Dodatkowo jest też:
Załącznik do niniejszej umowy, stanowiący integralną część tej umowy.
A tu treść tej umowy/traktatu:
Agreement (with annex and exchange of notes) regarding
claims of nationals of the United States. Signed at
Washington, on 16 July 1960
Official texts: English and Polish.
Registered by the United States of America on 6 January 1961.
Accord (avec annexe et échange de notes) relatif aux de
mandes d'indemnisation de ressortissants des États-
Unis. Signé à Washington, le 16 juillet 1960
Textes officiels anglais et polonais.
Enregistré par les États-Unis d'Amérique le 6 janvier 1961.
170 United Nations - Treaty Series 1961
The Government of the United States of America and the Government of
the Polish People's Republic desiring to effect a settlement of claims of nationals
of the United States against Poland and desiring to advance economic relations
between the two countries,
Have agreed as follows :
Article I
A. The Government of the Polish People's Republic, hereinafter referred
to as the Government of Poland, agrees to pay, and the Government of the
United States agrees to accept, the sum of $40,000,000.00 United States cur
rency in full settlement and discharge of all claims of nationals of the United
States, whether natural or juridical persons, against the Government of Poland
on account of the nationalization and other taking by Poland of property and of
rights and interests in and with respect to property, which occurred on or before
the entry into force of this Agreement.
B. Payment of the sum of $40,000,000.00 by the Government of Poland
shall be made to the Secretary of State of the United States in twenty annual
installments of $2,000,000.00 United States currency, each installment to be
paid on the tenth day of January, commencing on the tenth day of January 1961.
Article II
Claims to which reference is made in Article I and which are settled and
discharged by this Agreement are claims of nationals of the United States for
(a) the nationalization or other taking by Poland of property and of rights and
interests in and with respect to property;
(6) the appropriation or the loss of use or enjoyment of property under Polish
laws, decrees or other measures limiting or restricting rights and interests in
and with respect to property, it being understood that, for the purpose of
1 Came into force on 16 July I960, the date of signature, in accordance with article VIII.
172 United Nations — Treaty Series 1961
this clause, the date of appropriation or the loss of use or enjoyment is the
date on which such Polish laws, decrees or other measures were first applied
to the property; and
(c) debts owed by enterprises which have been nationalized or taken by Poland
and debts which were a charge upon property which has been nationalized,
appropriated or otherwise taken by Poland.
Article III
The amount paid to the Government of the United States under Article I of
this Agreement shall be distributed in such manner and in accordance with such
methods of distribution as may be adopted by the Government of the United
Article IV
After the entry into force of this Agreement the Government of the United
States will neither present to the Government of Poland nor espouse claims of
nationals of the United States against the Government of Poland to which
reference is made in Article I of this Agreement. In the event that such claims
are presented directly by nationals of the United States to the Government of
Poland, the Government of Poland will refer them to the Government of the
United States.
Article V
A. With a view to assisting the Government of the United States in its
distribution among claimants of the sum to be paid by the Government of Poland,
the Government of Poland will, upon the request of the Government of the
United States, furnish such information or evidence, including details as to
ownership and value of property and rights and interests in and with respect to
property, as may be necessary or appropriate for that purpose and, in the event
that such information or evidence is deemed insufficient, permit examination by
representatives of the Government of the United States, to the extent allowed by
Polish laws, of property which it is claimed has been nationalized or taken by
B. With a view to protecting the Government of Poland from the possible
assertion through third countries, or otherwise, of claims settled by this Agree
ment, the Government of the United States will furnish to the Government of
Poland copies of such formal statements of claims as may be made by claimants
and copies of decisions with respect to the validity and amounts of claims.
C. With respect to each claim found to be valid by the Government of the
United States, the Government of the United States will furnish to the Govern-
No. 5518
174 United Nations — Treaty Series 1961
ment of Poland original documents of title pertaining to the property nationalized
or taken by Poland by which the claim was established, including securities of
juridical persons owned by the claimant if all of the property of such juridical
persons has been nationalized or taken by Poland. In the event that a claim is
not based on such documents, the Government of the United States will furnish
to the Government of Poland a release signed by the claimant.
D. Each Government will furnish to the other the information or render
the assistance referred to in paragraphs A, B and C of this Article in accordance
with procedures to be agreed upon by the two Governments.
Article VI
Within thirty days after the entry into force of this Agreement, the Gov
ernment of the United States will release its blocking controls over all Polish
property in the United States.
Article VII
The Annex1 to this Agreement is an integral part of this Agreement.
Article VIII
The present Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement.
DONE at Washington, in duplicate, in the English and Polish languages,
both equally authentic, this 16th day of July 1960.
For the Government of the United States of America :
For the Government of the Polish People's Republic :
1 See p. 176 of this volume.
No. 5518
176 United Nations — Treaty Series 1961
A. For the purpose of distribution by the Government of the United States of the
sum to be paid by the Government of Poland, "claims of nationals of the United States"
are rights and interests in and with respect to property nationalized, appropriated or
otherwise taken by Poland which, from the date of such nationalization, appropriation
or other taking to the date of entry into force of this Agreement,1 have been continuously
owned, subject to the provisions of paragraphs B and C of this Annex,
(a) directly by natural persons who were nationals of the United States;
(b) directly by juridical persons organized under the laws of the United States or of a
constituent State or other political entity thereof, of which fifty per cent or more of
the outstanding capital stock or proprietary interest was owned by nationals of the
United States;
(c) directly by juridical persons organized under the laws of the United States or of a
constituent State or other political entity thereof, of which fifty per cent or more of
the outstanding capital stock or proprietary interest was owned by natural persons
who were nationals of the United States, directly, or indirectly through interests in
one or more juridical persons of any nationality;
(d) indirectly by natural persons who were nationals of the United States or by juridical
persons organized under the laws of the United States or of a constituent State or
other political entity thereof, through interests in juridical persons organized under
the laws of the United States or of a constituent State or other political entity thereof
which are not included within category (b) or (c) above;
(e) indirectly by persons within category (a), (b) or (c) above through ownership of
capital stock or direct proprietary interests in juridical persons organized under the
laws of Poland, any part of whose property has been taken by Poland, or in juridical
persons organized under the laws of Germany, a major part of whose property has
been taken by Poland;
(/) indirectly by persons within category (d) above through ownership by juridical
persons to which reference is made in the last clause thereof, of capital stock or direct
proprietary interests in juridical persons organized under the laws of Poland, any
part of whose property has been taken by Poland or in juridical persons organized
under the laws of Germany, a major part of whose property has been taken by Poland
and which have ceased their activities; or
(g) indirectly by persons within category (a), (b), (c) or (d) above through interests which
collectively are substantial in amount, through any number of juridical persons
organized under the laws of any country, a substantial part of whose property has
been taken by Poland, excepting, however, interests which are compensable through
any other international agreement to which Poland is a party.
B. Juridical persons organized under the laws of the United States or of a constituent
State or other political entity thereof which have been reorganized through judicial
1 See p. 170 of this volume.
No. 5518
178 United Nations Treaty Series 1961
proceedings after their property or rights and interests in and with respect to property
were nationalized or taken by Poland shall participate in the sum to be paid by the Govern
ment of Poland only to the extent that the outstanding capital stock or proprietary interest
in such juridical persons was owned, at the time of such nationalization or other taking,
by natural persons who were nationals of the United States, directly, or indirectly through
interests in one or more juridical persons organized under the laws of the United States
or of a constituent State or other political entity thereof.
C. Claims based in whole or in part on property acquired after the application of
discriminatory German measures depriving or restricting rights of owners of such property
shall participate in the sum to be paid by the Government of Poland only for the parts of
such claims which are not based upon property acquired under such circumstances.
No. 5518
1961 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 181
The Secretary of State to the Minister Plenipotentiary, Financial Counselor,
Polish Embassy
July 16, 1960
Excellency :
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date which
reads as follows :
" I have the honor to refer to the discussions held during the nego
tiations concerning the Agreement signed today1 between the Governments
of the Polish People's Republic and the United States of America regarding
claims of nationals of the United States.
" In connection with the interest expressed by the Government of
the United States of America in the settlement of outstanding dollar bonds,
issued or guaranteed by the Polish Government in the United States during
the period 1919 to 1939, I have the honor to inform you that the Polish
Government confirms its intention to settle the problem of this bonded
indebtedness by direct talks with American bondholders or their representa
" Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. "
I have the honor to inform you that my Government has taken note of the
statement quoted above.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
For the Secretary of State :
Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
His Excellency Stanislaw Raczkowski
Minister Plenipotentiary
Financial Counselor
Embassy of the Polish People's Republic
1 See p. 170 of this volume.
N» 5518
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