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GTO Printing Machines
GTO was started by two brothers in Modena, Italy, in 1980. Initially, it was a service company, offering screen printing and pad printing on articles and textiles. When working in a specific field, as any professional can attest to, one starts to see what works, what doesn’t, and what could be improved. This gave us the inside view on what was needed and wanted on the market, from the client’s and manufacturer’s standpoint. So the first pad printing machine was designed and created, one that could facilitate printing for any sector. At first this was done only to facilitate production in house, we needed something that would make the work easier and quicker for the machine’s operator. Soon the equipment’s looks and capabilities started to draw attention from people in our same work sector, and the rest is history. aboutus The futuristic shape of the machines was designed especially to communicate elegance and a style that could go hand in hand with functionality and reliability of our product, something that we back up with our 5 year warranty. GTO’s expansion, along with its client’s, led to the opening of GTO USA, a headquarters located in Florida, from where all of North, Central and South America are serviced through our network of representatives and technicians present in those areas. We are manufacturers and resellers of a complete line of pad printing machines, screen printing machines, digital equipment, and everything one might need in order to print with them (ovens, exposure units, inks, pads, printing plates, etc..) We have a full team of technicians ready to train clients on the equipment, or even help envision and work out projects. GTO is known as the leader in many printing sectors, amongst which are the promotional product lines, cosmetic field, shoes industry, biomedical equipment, etc. We are glad to be here and are ready to take on any new project! GTO TEAM Our full team of technicians are available to train clients on the equipment and to even advise on any projects that you may be working on. We are dedicated to making sure that you have the best experience possible and that you are able to get exactly what you need from your equipment. For all your printing needs we are able to provide you with a complete bespoke solution, and we are able to work with you to meet your ever-evolving needs.
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USA. 805 Court St Clearwater, FL 33756
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