0 : Odsłon:
Hi! We're Akram and Fadia Gabra, husband-and-wife multi-disciplinary artists with a passion for art. We established our art studio, Gabra Studios, in 1984, having studied architecture - "The Mother Of All Arts". We came to appreciate and explore art in many of its forms, and we have great respect for its elements. We have worked with different mediums and produced art pieces enjoyed by many for over 3 decades.
Mosaic art has been our passion for over 20 years. We currently own and operate a mosaic & stained glass studio in Etobicoke, Ontario, in the west end of Toronto, where we teach the art of mosaic and stained glass. We also create masterpieces for sale and on commission for clients all over Canada, in addition to providing mosaic and stained glass supplies and tools to consumers.
Having the Pharaohs as our ancestors, where Mosaic art came to life and where stained glass was first produced over 4,000 years ago for all civilizations to enjoy, we have been exposed to countless masterpieces of mosaic art all across the Mediterranean region where it has flourished, including Italy, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Jordan. We have come to master the beautiful tradition of one of the first forms of art known to man.
Glass Mosaic Canada is a Toronto-based company run by a talented team inspired by a love for the ancient mosaic art form. We established the company to make techniques, high-quality supplies, services and support readily available to mosaic artisans, art students and aspiring recreational artists.
We choose mosaic colours considering it to be our paint, applying it in different techniques, just as the painter mixes colours on a palette and uses them to paint on canvas. The possibilities are endless. Besides our art creations, custom work is our specialty - we would be delighted to consult with you or your designer on special projects that bring mosaic art to your office or living space.
Mosaic is an artform with a long and glorious history. For thousands of years, people have enjoyed mosaic works in public areas such as libraries, museums, churches, hospitals, universities, walkways and airports - look around, you'll find mosaics almost everywhere you look. Mosaics in public spaces are equally as pleasurable on a more intimate scale, such as colourful stepping stones in your garden, a delicate wall decoration in your bathroom or a free standing sculpture in your living room.
Our Mosaic and Stained Glass workshops are the idea place to start making glass art. Run by professional artists, classes are suitable for beginners and experienced artists who wish to expand their knowledge. Working with glass is a wonderful and rewarding hobby and can be turned into a profession after finishing your guaranteed-sellable art pieces with Glass Mosaic Canada.
The tools and techniques for making mosaics are simple, and the process appeals equally to adults and kids. The materials needed are fairly inexpensive, making it ideal for any individual or family to discover the hidden artists within. At Glass Mosaic Canada, we offer different mosaic courses in a variety of skill levels and we provide a wide selection of authentic mosaic tiles, very rich medium to work with. Our water-based grout, adhesive, sealer and primer are manufactured specifically for Mosaic work, using the highest quality materials that will enhance your project. Our precision cutting tools are designed for easily cutting and nipping small glass, ceramic and Smalti tiles.
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Canada. 686 The Queensway. Toronto, Ontario. M8Y1K9.
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