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Bronchitis is most often a viral, very common respiratory disease.
The basic division is organized around the duration of the ailment. There is talk of acute, subacute and chronic inflammation. The duration of acute inflammation is no more than 3 weeks. Estimating the duration of the disease is important in assessing the likely causative agent of the disease. Bronchitis is usually the result of temporarily weakened immunity e.g. due to another respiratory disease.
Symptoms, causes and effects
Bronchitis is the result of the most common viral infection in 90% of cases. Bacterial etiology is rare and is present in the presence of serious disorders of the immune system.
The disease is mainly manifested by bronchitis. Inflammation is an expression of the body's defense response. Inhibiting inflammation, however, is warranted, alleviating the subjective symptoms of inflammation allows limiting life-difficult sensations. Bronchitis is characterized by local symptoms characteristic of all inflammations, namely:
Pain - eicosanoids produced by the inflammation process stimulate sensory nerves to cause pain.
Warming - vessels around the site of inflammation under the influence of specific messengers increase their permeability. This results in increased blood flow through the tissue, which causes local warming and redness.
Edema - increased vascular permeability can stimulate the appearance of airway edema and shortness of breath, especially if you have a predisposition to narrowing your airways.
Other, non-specific, more systemic symptoms of bronchitis result from the overdrive of energy expenditure to fight infection and the systemic effects of large inflammation within the body. These symptoms are: feeling weak, drowsy and feverish.
Treatment of bronchitis:
Treatment of bronchitis is usually based on symptomatic relief of the effects of inflammation and strengthening the body. Respiratory infections of viral aetiology are only fought with the help of the body's natural defenses. The use of antibiotics is therefore most often unreasonable for bronchitis. The purpose of using drugs for bronchitis is:
Reduction of pain and fever - this effect is achieved thanks to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Popular painkillers work by inhibiting cyclooxygenase - an enzyme involved in the production of pro-inflammatory mediators.
Facilitation of expectoration of respiratory secretions - mucolytics allow the secretion to liquefy and facilitate expectoration. Mucolytics break down the microscopic structure of amino acids, which results in the macroscopic effect of the presence of secretions easier to remove from the respiratory tract.
Bronchospasm - when necessary, bronchodilators are given, the use of medication is justified if you experience shortness of breath.
In order to reduce the likelihood of illness, you need to take some preventive measures. The basis is quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to dust.
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