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We have a candidate for the COVID-19 vaccine, clinical trials, coronavirus, sars-cov-2, covid-19, vaccine, Johnson & Johnson:

We have a candidate for the COVID-19 vaccine, collaboration, BARDA, clinical trials, janssen, coronavirus, sars-cov-2, covid-19, vaccine, Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson announced the selection of a potential candidate for the COVID-19 vaccine. The company has partnered with the US Department of Health and Welfare and has declared its desire to provide one billion crown vaccines worldwide in an accelerated manner.

Potential vaccine against COVID-19

Johnson & Johnson announced the selection of a candidate for the COVID-19 vaccine from among those it has been working on since January 2020. The company assumes that clinical trials involving humans will start by September 2020 at the latest, and that the first batches of the COVID-19 vaccine may be admitted to emergency vaccination at the beginning of 2021. This means significant acceleration, compared to the standard vaccine development process of 5 to 7 years, before the candidate is even considered for registration.

A billion vaccines around the world

The company also announced a significant expansion of the scope of cooperation between Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson and the American Office for Advanced Research and Development in the Biomedicine Field (BARDA), thanks to which it will be possible to increase the vaccine's production capacity and deliver over a billion doses worldwide.

- The world is facing a public health crisis. We are committed to doing everything in our power to make the COVID-19 vaccine available and affordable as soon as possible. As the largest company in the healthcare industry, we feel a huge responsibility to improve people's health around the world. By combining scientific knowledge, scale of operations and financial strength, Johnson & Johnson is well prepared to engage resources in cooperation with other partners to accelerate the fight against pandemics, ”said Alex Gorsky, Chairman & CEO of Johnson & Johnson.

A breakthrough in vaccine work

Johnson & Johnson began working on the vaccine in January 2020, as soon as the genetic sequence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) was isolated. Research teams at Janssen, in collaboration with the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center hospital, which is part of the Harvard Medical School, have created and tested many vaccine candidates using AdVac® technology. Thanks to the collaboration of many scientists from various academic institutions, vaccine prototypes were then tested to identify those that are most likely to achieve an immune response in preclinical studies. On this basis, Johnson & Johnson identified the lead candidate for the COVID-19 vaccine (with two spare candidates).

As part of an accelerated schedule, the company intends to start phase I clinical trials in September 2020, and clinical data on safety and efficacy are expected to be available by the end of the year. This would make vaccines available for intervention in early 2021.

Greater production capacity and over one billion dollars for research

Johnson & Johnson is also committed to increasing global production capacity. This will be possible, among others, by creating new vaccine production opportunities in the United States and increasing production capacity in other countries. This will enable rapid production and delivery of over a billion doses of safe and effective vaccine worldwide. The company is planning to start production soon and, as part of its not-for-profit operation, is committed to making the affordable vaccine available for emergency vaccination widely available during a pandemic.

Thanks to the collaboration between BARDA and Johnson & Johnson, over $ 1 billion will be allocated to co-finance research, development and clinical trials in the field of vaccines. Johnson & Johnson will use its proven vaccine production technology and allocate additional resources, if necessary, including staff and infrastructure. In addition, both BARDA and Johnson & Johnson have also separately allocated additional funds that will allow the extension of ongoing work to determine possible treatments for the virus crown.
- We value the trust and support of the United States government for our research and development efforts, '' said Paul Stoffels, M.D., Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee and Chief Scientific Officer Johnson & Johnson. - Thanks to the Johnson & Johnson global team of experts, our research and development processes have reached an unprecedented level. We work tirelessly with BARDA, scientific partners and global authorities.


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