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The discoveries within Brewer’s Cave extended to an array of stamped symbols, including scorpions, among other intricate details. Tools used for stamping these designs were also found at the site. Brewer’s exploration revealed numerous other small plates, some fashioned from copper, others from gold, each adorned with texts in an unknown script.

Among the fascinating artifacts was a bell-like object crafted from lead, inscribed with more of the mysterious writings. This was accompanied by several lead plates, again covered in strange inscriptions and diagrams. Brewer also came across large stone tablets etched with the same peculiar symbols. During his excavations, one such tablet was accidentally struck with his pick. Photographs of these items exist, and many were given to friends. Most appear to be genuinely ancient, showing the typical wear and patina expected of such antiquities.

A significant discovery in the chamber was a set of stone boxes, initially overlooked by Brewer as they were camouflaged into the walls under a layer of mud. When the mud was removed, Brewer found several boxes wrapped in juniper bark and resin, presumably for preservation. These boxes were perfectly carved and housed elongated copper tablets inscribed with symbols. The exteriors of the boxes featured intricate designs and images seemingly out of place for North America.

One box, richly decorated with symbols, writings, and drawings, showcased a large engraving of a boat, complete with oars, a billowing sail, and a prow resembling a dragon’s head. Another box bore a carving of a chariot, horses, and a winged figure among other motifs.

Radiocarbon dating of the tree bark used for preservation was conducted by Steven E. Jones, a Physics Professor at Brigham Young University. He confirmed the antiquity of the bark, stating: “With a radiocarbon age of 5 BC to 390 BC, the Brewer bark sample is thus scientifically demonstrated to be very old. […] The bark used to cover the stone box in question is indeed ancient.”

Carbon Dating Of The Bark Box Found In The Brewer Cave. (The Brewer Cave / Facebook)
Carbon dating of the bark box found in the Brewer Cave. (The Brewer Cave / Facebook)
The most contentious find within the Brewer Cave was concealed behind the chamber’s wall. After their initial discovery, John Brewer and his son encountered two sarcophagi, one stacked atop the other. The lower sarcophagus contained the preserved remains of a woman, while the upper one held a man. Eager to maintain the integrity of these remains, Brewer conducted meticulous examinations, while his son created detailed sketches, as photography was not available to them then.

The mummies were wrapped in what appeared to be straw-like blankets, further covered by three layers, all coated in resin, potentially contributing to the preservation of the bodies. As per Brewer’s notes and the sketches, the mummies were remarkably well-preserved and notably large in stature.

The male measured approximately 9 feet 2 inches (2.80 meters) in height, with a shoulder width of about 4 feet (1.21 meters), and featured red hair and a beard. The female, standing at 8 feet 10 inches (2.46 meters), had blonde hair. Both were adorned with elaborate golden ornaments, including crowns, breastplates, and shoulder pads. The female’s adornments were especially intricate, featuring a sizeable crown and gold coverings on her chest.

Exploring the Depths of Ancient Knowledge and Giants The Brewer Cave discoveries fuel further interest in the ancient world and its enigmatic past. Such findings echo other tales and legends that have long captivated human curiosity, from the storied Mount Shasta, known in folklore as “The Abode of the Devil,” with its age-old tales of giants and mystical beings, to the intriguing legends surrounding Kap Dwa, a purported two-headed giant. These narratives, while steeped in mystery, continue to inspire questions about the depths of ancient knowledge and the true extent of human history.

Utah Cave2 -Utah Cave1 -

The Brewer Cave tale isn’t unique in the realm of pseudo-archaeology. It joins a series of other similar, yet often marginalized, archaeological finds. These cases, whether unearthed by professionals or amateurs, are frequently claimed to have been suppressed or kept secret by institutions like the Smithsonian and the government. The reasons for this alleged suppression remain speculative and largely unconfirmed.

However, the recurring themes in these stories – copper plates with enigmatic inscriptions, advanced artifacts, out-of-place carvings, and giant red-haired mummies – have been reported so frequently across the United States that they blur the line between legend and potential authenticity.

Indeed, similar findings of inscribed copper and gold plates have surfaced across America: among the Shawnee and Creek Indians of Alabama in 1791, in New York in 1923, throughout the Upper Midwest in the 1800s, among the Ojibway Indians of Lake Superior in 1850, and in Illinois in 1843, to name a few. Moreover, reports of giant remains, both mummified and skeletal, have been documented from the 17th century to the present day across the USA.

These giants, often described as over 9 feet (2.7 meters) tall with Caucasian features and red hair, have been reported in various locations such as Kanab, Salt Lake City, Santa Catalina Island, the Belt Mountains in Montana in 1889, West Virginia in 1883, Mississippi in 1884, Nevada in 1947, and others. These discoveries often feature metal plates with inscriptions, similar to those found in Brewer Cave.

One particularly notable case is that of Lovelock Cave in Nevada, an archaeological site of significant interest yet shrouded in mystery. Over 10,000 ancient items were discovered under layers of bat guano, aligning curiously with local Native myths and adding another layer to the puzzle of these widespread yet enigmatic finds.

Giganci Nephilim znalezieni w Jaskini Piwowarskiej

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