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Melatonin: Melatonin has been discovered relatively recently.
In 1958, she was isolated by the American dermatologist Aaron B. Lerner. Despite its short history, this substance has been hailed as 'the vitamin of youth', 'the vitality hormone' and 'the medicine for old age', and scientists are still discovering its further properties.
In the human body, as with other vertebrates, melatonin is mainly produced by the pineal gland. It is an endocrine gland that is at the base of the brain. In smaller amounts, melatonin is also formed in other organs, e.g. in the retina, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and platelets and lymphocytes.
Contrary to popular belief, melatonin is very widespread in both animal and plant environments. To date, this hormone has been detected in more than 20 plant species. Some of them are used in traditional Chinese medicine as anti-aging agents and in the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of free radicals, e.g. cancer and inflammatory diseases, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
To date, many functions have been discovered that melatonin performs in the human body. It is best known for its influence on the synchronization of biological rhythms and cycles. Lack of light causes an increase in the secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland, informing the body about the start of sleep and making it easier to fall asleep. In addition, melatonin has been proven to stimulate the body's immunity. In humans, it also plays an important role in initiating puberty. Numerous animal studies have also confirmed the beneficial effects of melatonin on anti-aging processes.
It seems that the main element of anti-aging effects of melatonin are its antioxidant properties. This hormone counteracts the oxidation of organisms that build living organisms, such as DNA, lipids and proteins. Inside the vast majority of cells in the human body, there are mitochondria that undergo a process called cellular respiration. Thanks to it, nutrients are converted into energy. By-products of this reaction include free radicals, i.e. oxygen atoms with a single unpaired electron. Because free radicals are unstable, they react very easily with other molecules, thus contributing to the destruction of DNA. In the light of scientific research, the slow destruction of nucleic acids is one of the causes of aging.
In recent years, many scientists have confirmed that melatonin fights free radicals. One of them was Professor Rusell J. Reiter, who in his numerous works proved that melatonin has properties supporting antioxidant enzymes and acts as a scavenger of free radicals, thus protecting DNA, as well as proteins and lipids from oxidation.
An attempt to explain the direct impact of melatonin on the aging process was made, among others, by a group of scientists led by Elodie Magnanou from the University of Paris Peter and Maria Curie. They conducted a shrew study to explain how melatonin given to animals would affect laboratory aging. In subjects given the hormone, aging-related phenomena appeared about 3 months later than in the absence of supplementation.
Another scientist who undertook to explain the mechanisms of action of melatonin was an Italian specialist in the field of gerontology and neuroimmunology Walter Pierpaoli. In his numerous rodent studies, he proves that both nocturnal hormone supplementation and pineal transplantation of juveniles into old individuals significantly delays aging and increases the average survival time.
Many scientists postulate that melatonin can also delay aging in humans. It has been proven that melatonin levels in human blood decrease with age. In addition, melatonin is responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, which deregulation can lead to diseases of old age. It also has an immunomodulatory effect, while immunity disorders are typical for the elderly. And, most importantly, this hormone protects against free radicals, which, as mentioned, contribute to the development of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, as well as Parkinson's disease.
Although the possibilities of using melatonin are very wide, pharmaceutical companies do not seem interested in conducting further research on its anti-aging effects. Some say this is because melatonin is widely available on the market and its production is relatively cheap. In addition, melatonin is produced by the human body and cannot be patented under current law. Therefore, anyone who would like to invest in research confirming its operation could not reap exclusive profits.
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