: Szukaj.

Fifth Giant Gas Planet In Our Solar System?

  • : Data Publikacji.: 30-06-24

Fifth Giant Gas Planet In Our Solar System? Thursday, August 20, 2015 The Kuiper Belt is a population of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. A particularly puzzling and up-to-now unexplained feature of the Kuiper Belt is the so-called "kernel".…

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The Effect of Ancient Catastrophe on Humankind

  • : Data Publikacji.: 30-06-24

The Effect of Ancient Catastrophe on Humankind Wednesday, August 26, 2015 It is the hypothesis of many members of the Electric Universe community that within human memory, perhaps a mere four or five thousand years ago, the Earth’s sky and the inner…

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Mass Extinctions in the Electric Universe

  • : Data Publikacji.: 30-06-24

Mass Extinctions in the Electric Universe Monday, May 02, 2016 A recently published scientific paper is creating a firestorm of media coverage around the world. The paper’s lead author, Daniel Whitmire, proposes that the hypothesized Planet X, a…

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