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WHO warns in a recent report: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are devouring the world.
The problem of antibiotic resistance is so serious that it threatens the achievements of modern medicine.
Last year, the World Health Organization announced that the 21st century could become a deterministic era. Even mild infections will cause death. In the face of some bacteria - we are already defenseless and helpless. When penicillin was introduced, resistance was known. In the mid-1950s, over 50 percent Staphylococcus aureus was resistant to this antibiotic. Methicillin, introduced in 1959, two years later received the first resistant strain.
Karbapenems were last-resort drugs of the 1980s. For a short time. Because in the next decade carbapenemases appeared - enzymes resistant to these antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance got out of control at that time - in the 1990s the rate of emergence and spread of resistant bacteria significantly exceeded the rate of introduction of new therapists. For pathogens resistant to at least 3 groups of antibiotics, so-called MDR, microbiologists had to add two new categories - extremely resistant XDR, sensitive to only one therapeutic group, and PDR - resistant to all available antibiotics.
Antibiotic World Week: bacteria are becoming more and more dangerous:
The vision of the decision-making era is not a figment of fantasy, but a real threat in the 21st century. It is one of the basic dangers to public health in the world.
We already have a very high percentage of multi-resistant bacteria. In 2010, the percentage of Escherichia coli strains ignoring antibiotics reached over 57%! That is why in 2014 WHO announced that the 21st century could become a deterministic era. Even mild infections will cause death. According to this organization, hospital infections with multi-pore MDRs cause deaths annually: 80,000 in China, 30,000 in Thailand, 25,000 in Europe, 23 thousand in Usa. This is the tip of the iceberg, because only confirmed cases. In the United States, antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause disease in 2 million people every year.
Antibiotic resistance has become one of the major dangers to public health in the world. Such a great threat as catastrophic floods, great volcanic eruptions or terrorists. Or more. Because none of these problems generates so many victims a year.
Never before have the countries of the world been as consistent as in May 2015 at the World Health Assembly, when 194 states unanimously stated that the problem of antibiotic resistance is very important for the Earth. And it must be countered globally.
The European Center for Infections Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Commission and the American Center for Infections Prevention and Control (CDC) have long been alarming. In 2009, TATFAR - Transatlantic Antibiotic Resistance Group was established at the European Union-US Summit. The White House has also created its special team to fight this threat.
The organization emphasizes: not only society, but doctors and nurses have insufficient knowledge about antibiotic resistance. Meanwhile, only 25% of countries in the world have their own programs to combat this problem.
WHO organizes World Antibiotic Awareness Week. So far, similar types of campaigns have been carried out only in Europe.
The causes of antibiotic resistance are known. Especially in the medical community. Theoretically. Because it is here that they are most often neglected. Most important reason: overuse of antibiotics. As much as 70% of patients with upper respiratory tract infection receive antibiotics from the doctor, mainly primary care. Meanwhile, only 15% are indications for this. In the rest of the cases we are dealing with viral infections: influenza or bronchitis. Doctors forget that children up to 3 years of age have virtually no strep throat, and almost never have strep throat. In the case of simple surgical interventions, antibiotics are also administered too often. When cutting out a boil, it makes sense if it's on the face.
Doctors also often treat the carrier of bacteria with antibiotics. This is not done.
Patients add three groszy, they usually do not take the full dose of these drugs, or do it at the wrong intervals.
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